7 Foods That Can Help to Strengthen Hair

Want healthy hair?

Before reaching out for hair care products, try to include some foods into your daily diet & notice the improvement in hair straightening.

Check out the list of foods that can help you straighten your hair.

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Foods That Help You Strengthen Your Hair

Did you ever wonder why most of the time those hair products do not work effectively?

If you dig deep, you will find that your diet is one of the most important factors for your overall look.

Food plays a key role in having good skin and hair health.

Here is a list that will help you strengthen your hair

1. Eggs

Eggs and Olive Oil

Eggs are full of protein and biotin.

Protein makes the hair stronger and biotin is one of the very important types of vitamin B.

That helps to maintain a healthy scalp and stimulates hair growth. It also prevents breakage and strengthens hair.

As a result, hair fall also reduces. In the lacking of biotin hair becomes brittle. Brittle hair tends to fall more.

So, if you want flawless, strong hair then try to include eggs in your diet. It is best if you have it in the mornings as it will give you energy throughout the day.

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2. Milk & Milk Based Food

Milk and Milk Based Food

Milk is also an important food to maintain hair health.

Milk and all kind of dairy products contain protein.

Protein protects hair roots and keeps them healthy so that you will have strong hair and minimal hair loss.

Milk-based foods like Greek yogurt, cheese are a great source of calcium which promotes hair growth.  Also, it helps with hair fall and makes it strong.

Those foods can be a great option for your breakfast.

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3. Fish

When you are looking for the things which are good for hair or skin you must come across omega 3 and fatty acid.

Those are essential elements to keep hair and skin healthy. And fish is rich with these two amazing elements.

It prevents your hair from dryness and frizziness.

Fish helps to prevent breakage and makes hair strong from the root to the ends. If your hair is thin or fine then you must include fish into your diet because fatty acid and omega 3 can help hair to thicken. It also stimulates hair growth.


4. Fruits

Fruits like oranges, lemon, or barriers that are rich in vitamin C are great for hair. It helps to recover the damaged hair and split ends. In this process hair loss also gets reduced. Fruits repair the tissues and stimulate hair growth.

Those fruits contain loads of anti-oxidant which is very important for healthy hair. Every day we go out and there is a lot of pollution in the environment nowadays. Anti-oxidant protects our body and hair from free radicals which are very harmful.

Vitamin C improves our immune system and blood circulation. Another important thing vitamin C does is it helps to absorb other useful elements into our body.  

5. Sweet Potato

Another food full of anti-oxidant is the sweet potato. It is full of beta-carotene which is essential for healthy hair.

Beta-carotene converts into vitamin A then it helps dull and brittle hair to transform into shiny and strong hair. It produces sebum in the scalp which is an essential oil that prevents breakage and dandruff.

Sweet potato keeps the hair moist so that hair does not get frizzy.

One sweet potato contains enough beta-carotene similar to three or four fruits.

6. Avocados

Healthy fats are important for our hair as well as our body. Avocado is an amazing source of healthy fat.

Avocado improves the blood circulation of the scalp and healthy oils in it make the hair supple.

As avocado makes the hair moist it prevents breakage and reduces hair fall. It contains vitamin B and E which work directly from the core system and makes the hair stronger.

Vitamin E promotes hair growth and repair damaged hair.

On top of that, avocado is also a great source of essential fatty acids which our body cannot produce.

It can be eaten or you can use it as a hair mask once in a while.


7. Dark Leafy Greens

Our body craves some essential nutrients which junk food cannot provide.

For those, we have to go for the vegetables. More specifically, dark leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, kale, etc. These vegetables provide so many vitamins and nutrients that can help to strengthen hair.

For example, spinach has vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, and folate. It is also full of plant-based iron which helps to stimulate hair growth, repair damaged hair by carrying oxygen in our body by red blood cells.

Spinach produces sebum which moist the scalp and the skin so that hair does not get dry. 

As a result, it keeps the hair healthy by keeping it moisturized and making it strong.


Nowadays it is possible to find out a product to solve any problem. We tend to reach out for those products whenever such a problem occurs.

But do we really think about what is causing that particular problem?

Are we willing to solve it from the root where it all started?

If we can think this way, we will see that most of our hair problems are caused by our poor diet. Our body is not getting enough of the vitamins and the nutrients for that reason we are facing hair fall, breakage, split ends, frizzy hair, etc. Beauty comes within.

So before we reach out for chemical products let’s fix our diet first. You will be surprised that by adding those foods to your regular diet not only your hair is getting better but also your skin and all-over health is improving dramatically. 
