Derma Rolling Stretch Marks, Everything to know

With the selfie era going on, everyone seems to go after nothing short of skin perfection. Of course, who wants unsightly stretch marks on her belly in a bikini, right?

But we shouldn’t worry too much about any skin imperfections at all. Every skin problem seems to have a perfect solution these days.

As long as you are willing to put in some effort or invest some cash, you can either go to a good skin clinic or take advantage of over-the-counter skin treatments.

For instance, derma rolling.

With the use of a manual skin treatment tool called derma rollers, you can get rid of your stretch marks or any other scars in the comfort of your own home.

A derma roller is a handheld tool that kind of looks like a small version of a paint roller (except for the microneedles embedded in its cylinder on the other end). Aside from stretch marks, we can use derma rollers for treating other skin issues like acne scars, aging, and pigmentation. 

It is a simple device. Anyone can follow a quick manual guide for using derma rollers.

How a Derma Roller Works

derma roller use

With such a small skin instrument, you might be wondering how derma rolling works on stretch marks and even significantly improves skin scarring. 

Quick answer: derma rollers help rejuvenate damaged collagen fibers and increase absorption and, therefore, the efficacy of your skin products. 

When you roll a derma roller on your skin, it creates controlled tiny punctures on your skin without damaging the skin dermis. This mechanism, in turn, prompts your skin to repair itself by creating new skin blood vessels and activating collagen proteins. 

Research reveals that 4 microneedling sessions 1 month apart show up to a 400% increase in collagen and elastin. [1]

How to choose your derma roller:

Depending on how big your skin “problem zone” is, derma rollers for at-home use usually come with needles that are less than 0.15 mm in length. These derma rollers are suitable for face-related issues like acne scars, enlarged pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.

For issues that cover a larger portion of your skin, such as stretch marks on your stomach or buttocks, or cellulite in your arms and legs, you will need a derma roller mouse for the body. A micro-needling body mouse usually has about 480 needles that are 0.2 mm in size.

How to Use a Derma Roller

To ensure great results when using a derma roller at home, do these steps properly:

1. Clean the target area. Prep skin as you want, or you can use a special derma roller skin cleanser that contains exfoliating and toning properties to maximize skin absorption.

2. Apply treatment serum. When shopping for a serum, look for a product that brightens skin, stimulates collagen, and increases cell turnover rate. 

Hyaluronic acid, peptides, proteins, and stem cells are key ingredients to look for. Avoid those with vitamin C or vitamin A (or retinol) as these products may irritate your skin. But the general rule of thumb is if your skin isn’t sensitive to retinol, you may apply retinol after derma-rolling treatment.

3. Start rolling your derma roller gently. You can pass the rollers horizontally, vertically, and diagonally on the area. Don’t apply too much pressure. Just press as much as you can tolerate. You can use your derma roller 2 or 3 times weekly for about 2 minutes per treatment.  

In terms of frequency of use, it depends on how much you need it. To test how your skin reacts, try doing it once a week at first. Then, adjust from there.

 If you have deep and stubborn stretch marks, you may want to use your roller more often than someone who has less. 

After use, make sure to clean your derma roller in hot tap water (or alcohol) and dry it. Your rollers can become home to germs and dirt if you don’t keep your instrument hygienic. We don’t want nasty side effects like irritation and infection to happen later.

4. Apply another layer of serum or moisturizer. Pick products that have anti-aging and skin brightening properties to help reduce the appearance of your stretch marks faster.

Tips when Derma Rolling Stretch Marks

woman using derma roller

For better derma-rolling results, apply the following tips:

  1. Consider vitamin C and vitamin A supplementation. Take these vitamins about a month before starting derma rolling to boost collagen production naturally.
  2. Do not ever share your derma roller. This should speak for itself. However, as a reminder, to stay hygienic and safe (medically speaking), avoid sharing it with someone else altogether.
  3. Prepare an icepack before treatment. Just in case you will experience pain or a burning sensation, place an ice pack on the affected area for relief.

In Conclusion

So, does microneedling help stretch marks? 

Yes, it should as per studies (referenced in the same research above). It is a simple, safe, and effective skin treatment technique to help you eliminate your skin problems. 

With its many applications, derma-rolling is a valuable at-home method for many women who cannot afford expensive, in-clinic laser treatments. 

Do you have a stretch mark problem? A good quality derma roller can be your most-awaited solution. Make sure to get one from a reliable shop. Remember that its efficacy depends on instrument quality and proper application. 

If you have any questions, at Instraight we are always here to help


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