Jellyfish Hair Is Taking TikTok By Storm: Weird or Cool?

lady getting a Jellyfish Haircut

The current jellyfish hair trend has gotten people talking, especially after Nicole Kidman decided to take the plunge and just do it.

The latest hairstyle that has polarized opinion polls was first featured on Tiktok, garnering mixed reactions from the Gen Z crowd.

Reminiscent of the mullet style in the 80s, this hairstyle uses two highly contrasting lengths – a chin-length bowl cut and strikingly long hair. This results in what seemingly looks like…well…a jellyfish.

What really pushed this to viral levels, though, was Nicole Kidman doing a photoshoot for Perfect Magazine sporting the controversial hairstyle. [1]

In an interview for the New York Times, hairstylist Evanie Frausto seemed to have no knowledge of this current trend. “I honestly didn’t even know it was called ‘the jellyfish’.” [2]

Here’s a funky version of this versatile style.

The Jellyfish Is Low Maintenance

While this look may seem to be quite edgy and untraditional, hairdressers do swear that it’s quite low maintenance since it doesn’t take much styling to achieve an eye-catching look.

However, low maintenance doesn’t mean boring. By curling the bobbed layer, for example, you can automatically create a different aura and feel to the cut.


Trying It Out

If you feel up to the challenge of trying out this new look, you may want to consider bringing lots of photos to show your stylist since this is a relatively new style.

There are many ways to approach this cut. In an interview for Byrdie, though, stylist Raven Hurtado had a few tips to keep in mind. [3]

“For this cut, you’d want to ask that you want to maintain the length but texturized. You’ll also want to ask for short rounded layers on top to add lots of movement.”

The Jellyfish cut has indeed drawn a wide array of reactions from stylists everywhere. Some have dared, and some have backed off last minute. It certainly is controversial and sparked lots of debate!

Seeing the cut makes us feel that it is something that you may want to explore. But like all other looks, the most important thing to consider is your level of comfort with the look.

After all, we here at Instraight have always believed that comfort trumps fashion. Whatever makes you confident will surely make you rock it!

lady holding scissors

What do you think of the jellyfish hairstyle? Would you be willing to give it a go and own it?!


  • 1. Perfect˙ [Internet]. Perfect˙. Available from:
  • 2. Lee AG. What Is the Jellyfish Haircut? The New York Times [Internet]. 2022 Aug 29 [cited 2022 Sep 1]; Available from:
  • 3. The Jellyfish Haircut Is The Controversial Layered Cut Dividing TikTok [Internet]. Byrdie. [cited 2022 Sep 1]. Available from: