Microneedling Vs Botox: What’s the Best Choice? [Comparison]

Microneedling Vs Botox has become a debate among the masses to achieve aesthetic goals.

two ladies getting microneedling and botox

We can’t turn back time, but isn’t it fantastic to have micro needling and botox as two secret skincare spells that can magically make you look younger than your actual age?

Botox and micro needling deliver impressive results, but everyone’s needs differ, so it’s critical to figure out what works best for you.

Hopefully, you will be able to choose by the end of this post. So let’s get straight into it. 

What is Microneedling Good For?

The US Food and Drug Administration [1] has approved the use of Microneedling devices in people with all skin types aged 22 or above to help treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, dark spots, and stretch marks and improve skin texture.

Medically referred to as the Collagen Induction Therapy, microneedling works by creating micro-channels in the skin through hundreds of penetrating thin needles.

lady getting microneedling therapy under title microneedling vs botox

As a result, skin cells come into action, enhancing the natural production of collagen. This collagen boost helps in the natural healing process improving skin quality.  

Microneedling can also be performed professionally or at home using derma rollers.

Check out this video for all you need to know about microneedling.

Derma roller vs micro needling, which is which? Derma Rolling is a term for micro needling performed with a derma roller manually.

Efficiently softening wrinkles and stretch marks, this therapy can be done from the comfort of your home without spending too much.

It also helps transfer topical creams and serums to the deeper layers of the skin-enhancing their effectiveness.

Dermapen, an automated device, is preferred by most dermatologists [2].

It is adjustable and should be used for more severe scarring and wrinkles and to reach narrower areas of the face, such as around the lips and nose.

So what exactly is Botox, and how does it work.

What is Botox & How Does it Work? 

Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox, is a purified protein that temporarily relaxes muscles.

It is used to treat various medical conditions, including excessive sweating and muscle spasms.

But it is most commonly used to remove wrinkles and prevent the development of new ones.

Botox can also be used to treat excessive underarm sweating.

lady getting botox in cheeks

How Does Botox Work?

Botulinum toxin inhibits acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction by binding to nerve endings in the skin and blocking impulse transmission.

When this happens, the muscles become paralyzed and no longer contract when stimulated by nerves.

And therefore aids in minimizing frown lines, forehead furrows, and crow’s feet [3]. 

Botox is injected into specific areas on your face where it is needed, such as between the eyebrows or around mouth corners where you have frown lines or crow’s feet.

The injections are quick and easy to administer by an experienced medical professional who can assess your unique needs before treatment begins!

Botox takes about three days to work its magic and create noticeable results. But once it does start working, you should see results within weeks, if not days.

Have a look at how Botox works.

How long do Botox results last 

Botox results can last anywhere from 3-to 6 months [4]. Various factors play into how long the effects last, including your skin type, where you have injections are done (the forehead typically lasts longer than other areas), and the amount of Botox used.

The most significant factor in how long your Botox will last is your lifestyle.

If you smoke, drink alcohol, or consume caffeine regularly, those things will reduce the lifespan of your Botox results.

You should also be sure to avoid sun exposure! UV rays can break down Botox as it’s injected into your skin.

So if you want to maintain those fantastic results for as long as possible, make sure to wear sunscreen every day!

A beautiful model with flawless skin

 Younger people also tend to maintain it for a more extended time. 

Here are some more tips you should take into account so that your botox lasts longer

  • No facial, workout, or nap 4 hours after Botox therapy to prevent droopy eyelid.
  • No icing afterward as temperature drop will decrease the uptake and longevity of Botox.
  • No pressing or massaging blebs to prevent the toxin from spreading elsewhere in the body.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption as it can disturb blood clotting by diminishing the platelet count and making them less adhesive. 
  • It is better to wait 30 minutes before applying makeup to prevent foreign bodies from entering your blood and causing infections.

RELATED: Makeup After Microneedling: Things You Should Know First

Watch what she has to say regarding the aftercare of Botox therapy.

Although it’s a safe procedure, few people can develop injection site swelling and pain.

It may also lead to droopy eyelids, dry eyes and mouth, crooked smiles, headaches, and flu-like symptoms. But there are usually no adverse signs after healing.

Diluting the toxin with saline significantly reduces the risk of side effects. [5]

READ MORE: What to Do After Botox?

What Is The Difference Between Microneedling & Botox? 

Both microneedling and Botox are excellent treatments for different reasons, but they both offer similar results in reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Based on the mechanism, cost, and effects of both the procedures, here is a brief comparison. 

Works by producing micro-injuries in the skin and inducing collagen production Works by inhibiting the contraction of muscles 
Affects the skin only Affects the muscles 
Occurs on a more superficial levelOccurs on a deeper level 
Softens static wrinkles Softens dynamic wrinkles 
Treats other skin conditions like Melasma, Rosacea, Stretch marks, and acne scarsTreats other muscular conditions like neck and upper limb spasm, detrusor overactivity, and eye disorders
Cost varies from $200 to $700 Price varies from $300 to $600
The procedure usually takes 30 minutes to complete The procedure usually takes 10 minutes to complete
No unnatural changes to the appearanceCan produce unnatural changes to the appearance
Done over the whole area Site-specific 
Results are immediate Results can take a few days 
Minimal adverse effects like redness or itching Adverse effects can vary from hemorrhage to droopy eyelid and dysphagia
The next session can be taken after 30 daysThe next session should not be taken anytime before 3 months.
Can supplement the effect of other proceduresShould not be used in conjunction with any other procedure

Botox vs Micro-needling: What Should I Select 

There should be no debate about choosing one procedure over the other.

It’s like asking if everybody should opt for a dry skin foundation or an oily one. 

Silly right? 

Both treatments have pros and cons; however, if you’re looking for a more permanent, natural solution, micro-needling might be right for you! But for stubborn, deep-seated wrinkles, then botox is for you.

While both the procedures serve different purposes, you should know what you want the end product to be. Convey your expectations to your dermatologist, and then select what suits you best. 

Some people even prefer to have both treatments for better results. Here is how long after microneedling can I get botox.

Check out this cool video on which is better.

Is Micro-needling Better Than Botox?

In a way, we can call Micro-needling better than Botox due to its safety, rapid results, and natural appearance. 

Microneedling is a newer cosmetic procedure, but it has gained immense popularity.

Botox stiffens specific muscles, ultimately increasing the workload of the remaining ones, while Micro-needling is performed over the entire area producing no stresses. 

Boosting your collagen production by Microneedling will increase the efficacy of other cosmetic procedures with the added benefit of youthful skin.

On the other hand, Botox specialists at the Skin Perfection Clinic, UK [6], advise not undergoing any other cosmetic therapy after Botox for at least 14 days.

The reason lies in that it takes a few days for Botox to settle into the muscle tissue. 


How long after micro-needling can I get Botox?

You can get Botox immediately after microneedling. However, most experts believe taking a 3-5 days gap is better.

How long after Botox can I get Microneedling? 


After Botox, at least 7-14 days must be spared before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, including micro needling.

Can I receive Botox and Microneedling together?

Depends. You can take Botox immediately after micro-needling but not the other way around. However, most dermatologists believe in letting your skin heal from Microneedling before undergoing Botox. 

Can Microneedling replace Botox?

No. Both are separate procedures, and they can supplement each other, but one cannot substitute the other. 


Microneedling vs. botox, which is best? While both procedures can be used for similar purposes, the results differ dramatically. I hope this article has helped you decide which procedure is right.

It’s vital to consult a professional dermatologist as no one likes to play around when it comes to your skin. 

A beautiful model getting botox on the forehead under the title microneedling vs botox

Do you prefer microneedling or botox? Please share below!


  • 1. Health C for D and R. Microneedling Devices. FDA. Published online November 9, 2020. Accessed May 17, 2022. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/aesthetic-cosmetic-devices/microneedling-devices#:~:text=The%20FDA%20has%20legally%20authorized
  • 2. Yadav S, Singh A. Microneedling: Advances and widening horizons. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2016;7(4):244. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.185468
  • 3. HIGHLIGHTS of PRESCRIBING INFORMATION These Highlights Do Not Include All the Information Needed to Use BOTOX ® Safely and Effectively. See Full Prescribing Information for BOTOX. BOTOX (OnabotulinumtoxinA) for Injection, for Intramuscular, Intradetrusor, or Intradermal Use Initial U.S. Approval: 1989 _________________________ RECENT MAJOR CHANGES.; 2017. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/103000s5302lbl.pdf
  • 4. Mayo Clinic. Botox injections – Mayo Clinic. Mayoclinic.org. Published 2019. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/botox/about/pac-20384658
  • 5. Witmanowski H, Błochowiak K. The whole truth about botulinum toxin – a review. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postȩpy Dermatologii i Alergologii. 2020;37(6):853-861. doi:10.5114/ada.2019.82795
  • 6. Can you get microneedling after botox? Skin Perfection. Published November 19, 2021. Accessed May 17, 2022. https://www.skinperfectionlondon.co.uk/2021/11/can-you-get-microneedling-after-botox/#:~:text=Your%20botox%20needs%20up%20to

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